Dr. Phetnakhone Xaixongdeth

Dr. Phetnakhone Xaixongdeth is currently a lecturer and leads research projects at the Environmental Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Laos. She is also the leader of the women union at the Environmental Engineering Department, thus actively applies for research grants to gain funding support for members of the women union, as well as to setup small businesses to support the women union.
Dr. Xaixongdeth’s research efforts have been focused on waste management (waste segregation for sustainability), specifically on recycling paper and converting biowaste such as plastic bags, plastic bottles and other plastics into biofuel, biogas and fertilizer. Her work is also involved in hazardous waste management. Dr. Xaixongdeth holds a Ph.D. in Hydrogeological, Geological Engineering from Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia and Hokkaido University in Japan in 2014. She is also a graduate of Gadjah Mada University (Master of Engineering) and the National University of Laos (Bachelor of Science).